Sunday 21 August 2011

kapan lailatul Qodar itu ?

Banyak orang mengejar malam yang disebut dengan malam lailatul Qodar. Imam Ghozali berkata bahwa jatuhnya malam lailatul Qodar dapat didasarkan pada hari pertama pada bulan romadhon. Beliau berkata :
  • jika hari awal puasa adalah hari ahad atau hari rabu maka lailatul Qodar jatuh pada malam 29 romadhon.
  • jika hari awal puasa adalah hari senin maka lailatul Qodar jatuh pada malam 21 romadhon.
  • jika hari awal puasa adalah hari selasa atau hari hari jum'at maka lailatul Qodar jatuh pada malam 27 romadhon.
  • jika hari awal puasa adalah hari kamis maka lailatul Qodar jatuh pada malam 25 romadhon.
  • jika hari awal puasa adalah hari sabtu maka lailatul Qodar jatuh pada malam 23 romadhon.                    
Penjelasan diatas dinukil dari kitab I'anatuth Tholibin Juz 2 halaman 257. Semoga bermanfaat. ALLAHU A' lia zannuba

Saturday 2 July 2011

a Special Food from Jember

Do you know Jember? Do you ever hear Jember? 
Jember is the small city in east java. It is near from Banyuwangi. It has many culture such as traditional dance, special foods etc. maybe you ever heard JFC (Jember Fashion Carnival). That is from Jember.
I will tell you about special food from Jember .One of the special food is "suwar-suwir". Suwar-suwir is the special food of Jember. This food is made ​​from a tape that is processed in such a way as to produce foods such as dodol but harder than dodol.This food is made ​​from  cassava has been fermented and sugar. so the flavor of that food is Legit(very sweet).in Ancient, Suwar-suwir made ​​with a mixture of soursop. But this time,it has created a variety of flavors, like chocolate, nuts, milk and strawberries.

Generally, suwar-suwir is known for its taste legit and shape which has a length of about 3-4 centimeters. But now, some producers of Suwar-suwir tried various breakthroughs in its packaging to add appearance of suwar-suwir.Suwar-suwir also comes in a variety of looks and flavor.Let's eat and try this special food !

by lia zannuba